What Size Pressure Cooker For Mushrooms? (The Ultimate Size Guide)

Sometimes you would love to eat some delicious food like mushrooms. But you often don’t have enough time to go to a restaurant or food shop.

What if you could grow mushrooms using a pressure cooker? But how is it possible, and what size pressure cooker for mushrooms?

We know it sounds incredible. But if you don’t know how to use it then it would be challenging for you. Like if you put it in a perfect size cooker, it will grow up quickly. But, that’s not the end!

To make things more transparent, we will discuss how you can identify the best one, use it to grow mushrooms, and, more importantly, some essential tips to keep in mind.

So, let’s begin!

What Size Pressure Cooker for Mushrooms?

Everyone wants to know what size is perfect for mushrooms. That is to say, the minimum size needed for a pressure cooker is 6 quarts.

Why? Well, it will allow you to 6 half-pint jars sterilized. Besides, you can do this just one time quickly.

However, every time capacity doesn’t matter. You also need to maintain some topics about this. At first, you need to ensure that the mushrooms can fit on the mason jars.

Therefore, you need a cooker with a minimum capacity of 6-quart for mushrooms. And also, you need the one that can reach 15 PSI pressure.

If more spawns are sterilized, it’s too good. Then, you can grow more mushrooms inside mason jars.

How to Find the Best Pressure Cooker for Mushroom? 

Best Pressure Cooker for MushroomAll are done now. Now, you can choose the actual size. But the good one needs to have some specific quality. Suppose you do not maintain that your cooking can fall. Here are some of the things to keep in mind.


That is to say; you have to maintain the pressure of the cooker. You must ensure that it can reach 15 PSI. It is the minimum level of force required inside the pot stabilizer.

But the problem is it is difficult to find one that can reach the full 15 PSI. However, you can easily find one that can reach 14+ PSI pressure.

Hob Type

The pressure cooker function type is essential for cooking. You must ensure that it functions with the hob type. There are many options to find on hob-type functions. You have to check your desired type.


Look for a cooker pot and see the capacity. Because more capacity on the cooker can give you more opportunity. Those models have 20 quarts are the ideal option for mushroom cultivation.


Any appliance repeatedly used can reduce its capacity and durability. So, if you want to increase durability, you must maintain your product. There is no shortcut to increase durability. But if you use high-quality material, it will be long-lasting.

PSI Gauge

Inside your cooker, the pressure-building process is vital. When you buy a pressure cooker, you must purchase a gauge because it displays a PSI meter.

Stoveless Option

If you have enough cash and don’t want kitchen noise then buy a stoveless model. It can consider a complete sterilizer unit. However, it will be much expensive. But if you purchase, it saves your valuable time and also removes the kitchen noise.

How to Use a Pressure Cooker to Grow Mushroom?

How to Use a Pressure Cooker to Grow MushroomAll set, but what’s the procedure of growing it? Although it’s imperative to maintain several steps to use, you cannot avoid any of the steps. So, here’s the process:

  • Make sure that your cooker is in good condition. And also, ensure that there is no wrapping or no signs in it. If there is rubber sealed, you have to remove it because it can degrade your time.
  • You also must ensure that the stove is prolonged heat. But some people use glass top stoves. It depends on the size of the sterilizer.
  • Fill it with water if you think how much water to use in your cooker in a stabilizing. The minimum amount of water line around is 2 pints.
  • Now, fill it with gain, agar, and substrate.
  • After that, get your it on stoves and increase the cooker temperature up. Reach its temperature level is maximum. That must say, it may take a long time or not depending on your cooker size.
  • However, once your cooker is built up enough to overcome the force of its weight.
  • Then, start to jiggle, and stream pressure will be released. Leave your stokes to the maximum level. And turn down your stove into medium or low.
  • Once the time is up and prepares it well, then shut down and leave. It is so much hot to hold for a moment.
  • There is no need to rush and pull it onto your bag away. However, if you are pouring an agar plate, remove the agar before the solidified. After that, you have to wait for around an hour.
  • When it is cooled, you may get out of this strive. You can close it. Besides, you can remove it from substrates or grain jars.

After every use, you have to clean it. It is essential for the next usage. You may clean and check every time for use and cook.

Things to keep in mind

During the procedure, you should keep some essential points in your mind. Because if you make any mistakes, it will be hampered.

Running out of water

Running out of water is a bad thing. In the cooker, there is a doorstep amount of water.

It can happen for a limited amount of temperature inside the cooker. Besides, once the water has boiled off, the cooker inside reaches extreme temperature.

However, mushrooms can grow at high heat. The overheating can damage it. Just watch the cookers and wait a few minutes.

After that, you can easily feel too much heating water. Then stop heating water. But keep in mind that ruining out of water is a bad thing.

Blocking the vent

That must say, pressure cookers are mainly designed to release steam heat. If the vents pressure is reached high, it will automatically release. This pressure may go on until it explodes.

Now, ensure that vent is not blocked from the built-in gunk. So, it must maintain that never block your vent in your cooker.

Using the wrong heat source

You need to use the best type of stove for heat resources. This type of stovers is mainly coil top or natural gas. But glass top stoves can damage the height and vibration of the cooker.

However, you know the worst thing that can happen is minor scratches in the glass. But also other items can break the glass, not only these things.

Regular Maintenance

These steps are very much necessary. However, many people don’t maintain regularity in their work. It can hamper work. Consistently, it would be best if you clean your it regularly.

Otherwise, it will be damaged soon. So, regularly maintain and clean it to avoid damaging it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should a pressure cooker hiss?

Yes, it is an ordinary matter for any pressure cooker. While maintaining a perfect PSI on cooking time, pressure regulator release, and then hiss. However, the hissing sound is boisterous.

Can you use an Instapot for sterilization?

It depends on the capabilities of your Instapot. But try to reach 15 PSI to avoid this.

Do you need a pressure cooker to sterilize cultivation material?

Yes, sometimes you need sterilized cultivation. But this technique is hazardous. Experts say not to take this because its risk communication is very high.

Will plastics melt in the pressure cooker?

Be careful to use this because most of the plastics melt under heat and pressure. Mushroom bags are made with hard plastic that stands at high temperatures.

Final Thoughts

So, is it tough to use the pressure cooker for mushrooms? Actually, not. All you need is to follow the procedure strictly, and it’ll be done.

Keep in mind that no matter which brand it is, the unit that fulfills all the requirements to be the best is suitable and perfect!

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