How to Cook Brown Rice in Pressure Cooker: Pro Tips

To cook brown rice in a pressure cooker, use a 1:2 rice-to-water ratio and cook on high pressure for 20 minutes. As more people become health-conscious, brown rice has become an increasingly popular and nutritious food choice.

Pressure cookers are a great tool to cook brown rice quickly and with minimal effort. Not only does it save time, but it also preserves the flavour and nutrients of the rice. However, knowing the proper rice-to-water ratio and cooking time is essential to achieve perfectly cooked rice.

This article will discuss the step-by-step process of cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker. So, let’s get started!

Benefits Of Pressure Cooking Brown Rice

Benefits Of Pressure Cooking Brown Rice
Benefits Of Pressure Cooking Brown Rice

Brown rice has sat at the table as a healthy alternative to refined grains. It’s rich in nutrients and a great source of complex carbohydrates. Nevertheless, cooking brown rice can be time-consuming and requires much effort.

That’s where pressure cooking comes in.

Faster Cooking Time And Energy-Efficient

Cooking brown rice on a stovetop takes about 50 minutes, while pressure cooking requires only about 20 minutes. You can save time for other tasks by cooking rice through pressure cooking. Pressure cooking is also energy-efficient, as it consumes less energy than traditional cooking methods like boiling or baking rice.

  • Pressure-cooking brown rice is 30% faster than stovetop cooking.
  • It requires less water, thus reducing cooking time and energy consumption.
  • As a result, pressure cooking decreases the carbon footprint, making this method eco-friendly and cost-efficient.

Retains More Nutrients And Flavors Compared To Traditional Cooking Methods

Boiling or steaming rice can cause nutrients to escape through evaporation. However, pressure cooking traps steam within the pot, which helps retain all the valuable nutrients and flavours. Unlike other cooking methods, the pressure cooker doesn’t allow flavours and nutrients to escape in the steam, making it the best option to preserve its nutritional value.

  • Brown rice is rich in nutrients like manganese, magnesium, and b vitamins.
  • Pressure cooking preserves water-soluble vitamins, fibre, and minerals like iron and zinc.
  • Retention of taste, texture, and aroma makes pressure cooking better than traditional cooking methods.

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker will give you a nutritious and delicious meal and save time and energy.

Choosing The Right Brown Rice For Pressure Cooking

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker can quickly and conveniently prepare a healthy and delicious meal. However, correctly choosing and preparing brown rice is crucial for the desired results. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to cook brown rice in a pressure cooker and get the perfect texture and flavour.

Let’s start with the first step: choosing the proper brown rice for pressure cooking.

Long Grain Vs. Short Grain Brown Rice

Brown rice comes in two varieties: long grain and short grain. The main difference between the two is the starch content. Long-grain brown rice has less starch than short-grain, making it less sticky and fluffier. On the other hand, short-grain brown rice has a higher starch content, making it more humid and chewier.

Here are some key points to consider when choosing the proper brown rice for pressure cooking:

  • Long-grain brown rice is better for fried rice, stir-fries, and soups requiring separate and fluffy grains.
  • Short-grain brown rice is perfect for sushi, paella, or risotto, where you want the grains to be sticky and tender.
  • Consider the cooking time and the pressure level required for each type of brown rice. Short-grain brown rice generally requires more water and extended cooking time than long-grain brown rice.
  • Always check the label and choose organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free brown rice for better quality and health benefits.

Preparing The Rice – Rinse Or Soak?

Now that you have picked the perfect brown rice, let’s move on to the next step: preparing the rice. There are two methods: rinsing and soaking.

  • Rinsing: Rinsing brown rice helps to remove excess starch, dirt, and debris, making it cleaner and fluffier. To flush the brown rice, place it in a fine-mesh strainer and run cold water over it until it clears. Allow it to drain for a few minutes before cooking.
  • Soaking: Soaking brown rice before cooking helps to reduce cooking time and ensures even cooking. It also makes the rice fluffier and softer. Soak brown rice for at least 30 minutes up to 12 hours, depending on how much time you have. Drain the water and rinse the brown rice before cooking.

Pressure-cooking brown rice is an easy and efficient way to prepare a healthy and delicious meal. Choosing the proper brown rice and preparing it correctly is crucial for the perfect texture and flavour. Remember to rinse or soak the brown rice before cooking for the best results.

How To Cook Brown Rice In a Pressure Cooker?

How To Cook Brown Rice In a Pressure Cooker
How To Cook Brown Rice In a Pressure Cooker

If you’re looking for ways to cook brown rice quickly, using a pressure cooker is one of the best methods. It’s easy to use and cuts down the cooking time drastically. Here are some helpful tips to ensure your brown rice always comes out perfect.

Add The Right Amount Of Water For Perfect Brown Rice

Adding the correct amount of water is the first step to getting a perfect dish of brown rice in a pressure cooker. The ratio of water to rice should be 1:1. 5; This means one cup of rice should be cooked in one and a half cups of water.

Failure to add the right amount of water can result in undercooked or overcooked rice.

To measure the water correctly, rinse the rice in a strainer, then measure the water with a measuring cup and pour it directly onto the rice in the pressure cooker.

Understanding Pressure Cooker Settings

Pressure cookers might initially seem intimidating, but they are easy to operate once you understand the settings. Most pressure cookers come equipped with two locations: high and low. Each site has a different impact on the cooking time and texture of the rice.

For brown rice, you should cook it under high pressure. Set the pressure release valve to “sealing” and adjust the cooking time according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually, the cooking time for brown rice is about 22 minutes for high pressure.

Timing And Releasing Pressure

Timing is crucial when cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker. After setting the timer on your pressure cooker, it’s essential to let the pressure release naturally for 10 minutes before manually releasing the remaining tension.

Once the pressure has naturally released for 10 minutes, switch the pressure release valve to “venting” to remove any remaining tension. Open the lid once the pressure has been removed, and fluff the rice with a fork.

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker is a great way to save time and get fluffy, perfectly cooked rice. With these tips, you can impress your family and friends with your newfound pressure cooking skills.

Adding Flavor And Variety To Your Brown Rice

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker is an efficient way to prepare it. It saves time, and the rice cooks evenly with the perfect amount of moisture, making it fluffy and tender. Adding different flavours is an excellent way to enhance the taste of your brown rice.

Here are some ideas to help you add some variety and excitement to your brown rice.

Using Broth, Herbs, And Spices:

  • Adding broth instead of water while cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker is a great way to infuse the rice with added flavour. Broths come in different varieties, such as vegetables, chicken, and beef. Use the broth that complements your meal’s overall flavour.
  • Add herbs like bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, or oregano for a more aromatic flavour. Adding aromatic herbs while cooking the rice enhances the taste and leaves a pleasant aroma.
  • Add spices like cumin, turmeric, paprika, or curry powder to give your brown rice a new flavour twist. Spices are an excellent way to provide a warm and complex flavour profile.

Coconut Milk:

  • Adding coconut milk is a healthier and more flavorful way to cook brown rice. The coconut flavour pairs well with curries, stir-fries, and baked dishes. It adds a creamy texture and a nutty fragrance to your brown rice, making it more appetizing.

Soy Sauce:

  • Soy sauce is a perfect way to add salty flavours to your brown rice. It is an excellent salt substitute, giving your rice a more profound, umami flavour. Use it sparingly as it is high in sodium.

Combining Brown And Black Rice:

  • Combining brown and black rice is an excellent way to add antioxidants to your meal. Black rice has more antioxidants than brown rice, making it healthier. The combination provides a nutty and chewy flavour with added health benefits.

Serving Suggestions:

  • Brown rice salads are a great way to add more vegetables to your diet while enjoying the health benefits of brown rice. Adding your choice of protein and dressing is an excellent way to spruce it further.
  • Pilafs are an excellent way to add more flavour to your brown rice. Add nuts, dried fruits, herbs, or spices to a pilaf dish for added flavours.
  • Try stir-frying your brown rice with some vegetables, protein, and sauce. Adding vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers enhances the flavours and provides a complete and tasty meal.

Brown rice is a beautiful and healthy addition to your diet. Experiment with different flavours using herbs, spices, broth, and coconut milk while cooking in a pressure cooker. You can also combine brown and black rice for added health benefits.

Finally, serve brown rice in salads, pilafs, or stir-fries to create a delicious and nourishing meal.

Troubleshooting Common Brown Rice And Pressure Cooker Issues

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker is an easy and efficient way to prepare a healthy meal. However, like any cooking method, it has its challenges. Here are some tips on troubleshooting common issues when cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker.

Undercooked Or Overcooked Rice

If your brown rice is undercooked or overcooked after cooking it in a pressure cooker, follow these tips:

  • Use the correct ratio of rice to water: For brown rice; the balance is 1:1.5. Use one cup of rice and 1.5 cups of water to avoid undercooked or overcooked rice.
  • Adjust the cooking time: Follow the instructions of your pressure cooker. If your rice is undercooked, add more cooking time; if it’s overcooked, decrease the cooking time.
  • Use the quick-release method: Once the cooking time is up, use the quick-release method to release the pressure before opening the lid. This will prevent overcooking.

Burnt Rice

If you notice burnt rice after cooking, follow these tips:

  • Check the sealing ring: If missing or damaged, it can cause the pressure cooker to overheat, resulting in burnt rice. Replace the sealing ring if necessary.
  • Use enough water: Without enough water, the rice will burn. Use the correct ratio of rice to water and enough water to create steam.
  • Lower the heat: Reduce the heat after pressure cooking to avoid scorching.

Sticking To The Bottom Of The Pressure Cooker

If your rice is sticking to the bottom of the pressure cooker, follow these tips:

  • Use a non-stick pressure cooker: A non-stick pressure cooker will prevent food from sticking to the bottom. If you don’t have a non-stick oven, use a heat diffuser to distribute heat evenly.
  • Add oil: Add a small amount of oil to the rice to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pressure cooker.
  • Soak the rice: Soaking the rice for at least half an hour before cooking can help prevent sticking.

Cooking brown rice in a pressure cooker is a healthy and efficient way to prepare a delicious meal. With these troubleshooting tips, you can avoid common issues and enjoy perfectly cooked brown rice every time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Cook Brown Rice In A Pressure Cooker?

Brown rice takes 22-25 minutes to cook in a pressure cooker.

Why Use A Pressure Cooker For Brown Rice?

The pressure cooker is an efficient and faster way to cook brown rice than traditional methods. It preserves the nutrients in the rice.

What Is The Ideal Amount Of Water To Use When Cooking Brown Rice In The Pressure Cooker?

The ideal water-to-rice ratio while cooking brown rice in the pressure cooker is 2:1, meaning for one cup of brown rice, you need to add two cups of water.

How Do I Release The Pressure From My Pressure Cooker When Cooking Brown Rice?

You can use natural pressure release (NPR) or manual pressure release (NPR) methods to release pressure from your pressure cooker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific model.

What Are Some Tips For Perfect Brown Rice In A Pressure Cooker?

Always soak your brown rice before cooking. Use the right amount of water to avoid overcooking or undercooking. Let the pressure naturally release for 10-15 minutes before removing the lid.


Now that you know how to cook brown rice in a pressure cooker, you can add this healthy and delicious food to your diet without fuss. Pressure-cooking brown rice is a quick and efficient process that consistently yields fluffy and perfectly cooked rice.

By following the simple steps outlined in this post, you can save time and energy while still enjoying the benefits of brown rice. Always use the correct water-to-rice ratio and release the pressure naturally for the best results.

With these tips, you can easily incorporate brown rice into your meals and enjoy its health benefits. Happy cooking!

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